2. Accessibility Menu
By pressing the button, the citizen enters the Accessibility Menu provided by Gov.gr to facilitate easy access to its services according to each individual's specific needs.
As the first choice (1), the language selection is defined. By pressing the button, the citizen can change the language of the Menu.
Next, by selecting the "Accessibility Profiles" button (2), customization options for the Gov.gr environment are displayed based on each citizen's specific needs.
Choosing the "Oversized Widget" button (3) allows the citizen to enlarge the scale of the Accessibility Menu.
Following these are the functions of the Accessibility Menu (4), which can be individually configured by the citizen as desired.
Finally, by pressing button (5), the Accessibility Menu options are reset to their initial settings.
Accessibility Profile
By selecting the arrow, various accessibility profiles are displayed to the citizen based on their specific needs.
Choosing one of these profiles directly configures the environment to the most suitable conditions for that particular case.
For example, by selecting the "Blind" button, the "Read Aloud" mode is automatically activated.
In the next section, individual functions are presented one by one.