3. Navigation based on ministries and entities.
An alternative way to find a service on gov.gr is based on the organization of services by ministry, entity, or independent authority.
To navigate using this method, select one of the icons Ministries, Organizations, Independent Authorities, Regions at the bottom of the home page. Alternatively, click on the corresponding link.
On the next page, the list of available services in the selected category is displayed.
On devices with large screens (tablet, computer), the list of ministries or entities is displayed on the left side. The selected item is highlighted in blue. You can switch to a different ministry by selecting it from the list.
On any device, you can navigate to a previous page using the navigation menu located at the top of the page.
When the services of a ministry belong to a specific entity or organization, they are organized under the name of that entity or organization. To view only the services of the entity or organization,
click the icon next to its name.
On the next page, the list of available services of the selected entity or organization is displayed.
On devices with large screens (tablet, computer), the list of ministries or entities of the selected ministry is also shown. The selected entity or organization is highlighted in blue. You can switch to a different entity or organization by selecting it from the list or go back to the previous page by clicking the icon.